When a lost traveler on Halloween night comes across an isolated rural gas station, she thinks she's found her way home. Unbeknownst to her, the eerie gas station is the residence of a family of d...
A misfit gang of runaways and orphans are taken in by a dark and charismatic father figure who together wreak havoc throughout swamps and trailer parks of central Florida....
BACK FORK is the story of an everyman, WAYLON, struggling to hold his life and family together after a heartbreaking tragedy. He and his wife, NIDA, barely recognize themselves, let alone each other. ...
影片风格被描述为比起《为奴十二年》,更像梅尔·吉布森执导的《启示录》,Willam N. Collage写剧本,故事来自彼得的真实经历:他从奴隶主手中逃出,忍受着冷血的猎人的追杀和路易斯安那州危险的沼泽,一路向北。而当逃到北方军中,接受检查时,彼得露出了自己被种植园中的监工鞭笞得...