Set six years after the events at Camp Cretaceous, members of “The Nublar Six” are struggling to find their footing off the islands, navigating a world now filled with dinosaurs and people who want to...
When his housemate dies under mysterious circumstances, Nic Cross inherits a mysterious pyramid-shaped contraption left at the scene, unwittingly summoning a cult of wolf-people who dwell in the dark ...
Alex Russo(赛琳娜·戈麦斯 Selena Gomez 饰)和法力高强但处于叛逆期的年轻魔法师Billie (贾尼斯·黎恩·布朗 Janice LeAnn Brown 饰) 出现求助,打乱Justin(大卫·亨瑞 David Henrie 饰)的平静生活。但是为了保护魔法师世界的未来 ,Justin决定“出山”,训练并教导Billie好好运用魔法。...